Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Box Jumps
Kettlebell swings
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, tada!
Time: 7:04
Today was a very good day for me.

I woke up feeling congested and miserable. My joints hurt. Digestive issues are out of control. I need to keep my food diary and get a handle on what's happening. Tomorrow I have a consult with a nutritionist - maybe we can get the beginnings of a plan together.

Anyhoo, what made the day so good was that my goals won in the morning mental debate (instead of my feelings):
"I'm too sick to work out today. And I have KB class tonight, so no one would blame me for taking the first workout off, since I'm also all congested and sick feeling. Right?"
And the answer was "Wrong. Just go work out. You'll feel fine, and you aren't that sick. You certainly aren't going to die. Just get your morning started as usual, and you'll make it."
And I did. I ate well to fuel up for the workout, and felt great. I was still tired as hell throughout, and I had to stop many times, but I did it. And afterwards I felt even better. I'm sore, but don't have that whole body fatigue that's been plaguing me for months. I feel like I'm coming out of the hole in the ground, slowly...

Final thought: I've had a total of 5 workouts. I'm not sure they even amount to a full hour of working out in total. And I am feeling progress already. My pants are getting looser, my energy is improving, and I am feeling stronger. No kidding.

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