Thursday, October 15, 2009

Warmup, and Sweaty Wrists

I had a good workout yesterday. Unfortunately, I tweaked my back doing basic squats in the warm-up! It felt kinda sorta bad, but I figured it wasn't bad enough to end the workout. So I forged ahead.
I have no way of knowing if that was a good decision or not. Suffice to say that muscle relaxers and plenty of discomfort has been the order the day - yesterday and today. Not pretty. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better, or at least good enough to participate in the workout.
Here's the good news: I have recognized an old thought pattern that has come up: "Every time I try to get back in shape I get injured." While this may seem to be true, this does not mean that I have failed, or that I will give up. Nor does it mean that I will get injured again as I continue to work on getting in shape. Here's my new rule: absolutely no all-or-nothing thinking is allowed. I will continue to battle the defeatist statements that pop up in my head.
Take that, negative thoughts!!

Yesterday was the first time in a loooong time that I saw sweat on my arms! I had to stop often, and could not manage pull-ups with the band, but by gum, I made it through.

Modified Fran
Thrusters #40
Pull-ups (jumping)
Time: 15:20

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