Thursday, October 29, 2009


I'm starting to talk more to friends about my health improvements through dietary changes, and I'm going to list some of the resources I find most helpful.

There's nothing better than a good testimonial video, so first, you have to watch this one: What elite athletes eat

I'm reading Protein Power Lifeplan by Michael Eades, M.D. and Mary Dan Eades, M.D. I'm considering purchasing a bunch of these and giving them as gifts to people in my life. My biggest issue with this book is the title, because I fear that folks will shy away because they think it's about meat. It's about optimal nutrition and health! So please, read it. This book was recommended to me from a Registered Dietician, Erica Lesperance who is Paleo friendly and not only talks the talk, but walks the walk (she is a CrossFitter too). One thing she told me which I loved was that so many things that she learned in school about nutrition were wrong! She does her own research and finds what really works. I believe I will be working with her more in the future.

Check out Mark's Daily Apple. It's got TONS of awesome information from the author of The Primal Blueprint.

I'm going all out here with sharing - so I'll share the site I created for myself to help me track good resources, recipes, markets, food intake and anything else related to my work to regain my health. It's super tailored to me, but if you find it helpful in any way - let me know if you have any questions about it. I'm happy to help. Just please don't enter things into my food tracker, I've only made it public so you can see what it looks like. It's very easy for me to log my food this way. (I love me some Google Docs!)

I'll add more resources to this post as they come along.

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