Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Feeling Good

I'm really feeling the results from training lately. Progress is being made. I haven't been perfect with the schedule, and I haven't been perfect with my eating. But I have been much more focused on the big picture, rather than focusing on perfection each day and each meal. I am feeling much stronger than before.
Conversely, I have been working on goals with a "one week at a time" approach. I painted the picture of what a successful week looks like by putting together a work / life schedule for myself. It is an interesting exercise. I'm finding that I work way more hours than I should. But, at least for now, I am certainly making my fitness and eating a priority instead of allowing work to eclipse everything in my life.
One step at a time...
Today's workout:
250m run
20 wbs
20 box jump
time: 22 something?? I forget! But, for the first time - I think I wasn't last! (I get so delirious during the workouts, my brain doesn't work right). :)
***NOTE*** after 1 week, I have stuck to this schedule exactly ZERO days. Sigh...

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