Monday, October 26, 2009

Myshy Brain...

I showed up an hour early for the workout today. Not on purpose. My brain is still not operating at it's full potential. I can't figure out why I'm having memory issues lately. I'm hoping it's not dairy.... I'm just not ready to cut that out yet.
Fortunately, I am using my poor memory as my motivation to really study the movements and learn as much as I can. I am really interested in getting my technique down well so I can get the most out of my training in the long run. There's nothing worse than learning something incorrectly. Unlearning muscle memory is a bitch.
I figured I'd make my visit more productive by taking copious notes on the 9 foundations movements. My experience with karate taught me that the best way for me to learn things is to have a good instructor, practice a lot, write it, read it, watch it, and tell others about it. My brain needs a lot to get stuff to sink in. Fortunately, I really enjoy doing all of these things - it enhances my experience and makes it much more rich.

Mike was really helpful with my notes today. He also introduced me to a new term: "glycolytic pathway " which I will be reading about shortly - as I believe it will be something I will take great interest in. He also suggested that he might take us on a field trip to go see some lifting competitions - which I would really enjoy. It'd be fun to see something new. He also suggested to go see a rowing competition - weekend after next. Mike used to be a rower. That might also be interesting to see!

All in all, it was a good workout today. I feel like I learned a lot. I leave the gym VERY happy each time - regardless of my time - since I'm really just pleased that I am there and working my ass off.

My Foundations WOD was:
4 Rounds for Time (22:25)
250m run
15 Thrusters #40
9 Pull-ups (jumping)

Oh - another thought - I'm seeing definition in my arms when I flex my muscles for the first time in ages. And, my thigh muscles are starting to poke out again. Thank friggin' GOD. Honestly, I was starting to think my health issues were going to be the end of my physically fit days. YAY!

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