Saturday, October 31, 2009

Beginner Mistake

Note to self: The back of my neck is NOT a good place for the barbell to land, especially one that is traveling in a swift downward motion. Ouchie.
The effects of the overhead press skills performed yesterday during "The Bear Complex" WOD are evident today in my arms and shoulders. It must be working! I am glad.

I went to YDFM with Ali today. I'm keeping my commitment to try TWO new vegetables each time I visit the farmers market. All items in this photo are first-time purchases for me. I've eaten pomegranate and artichoke, but never had chayote squash, persimmon, Indian eggplant, or pineapple quince before. I will enjoy preparing these (or just eating them). The downside: I'm certain that I have way too much food now. :(

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