Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mini Me and My Med Ball: In Molasses

For time = 16:19
10 med ball cleans, 10 wbsu, 10 wb shots, 250m run w/ med ball #8

I was very confused in the workout today. Mike kept trying to explain the med ball cleans to me, I just couldn't get it. I heard what he was saying, and understood the words, but could not make my body do the movements he was asking. Felt like I was in syrup! Very tired. Just came off of a weekend with a hurt low back / muscle relaxers.
Still have not gotten my diet in order, so something there could be the issue.
I did organize a weekly recipe planner, a comprehensive grocery list of foods that I know I will eat that are on two lists: 1) Low Carb and Paleo-ish, and 2) Elimination Diet.
I'm going to be supplementing with Magnesium first before beginning the very challenging Elim. diet, because I'd like to rule out that I am not simply Mg. deficient!

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