Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Workout Gone Not So Bad

WOD: Workout Gone Not So Bad
10 wall-ball
10 dead lift
10 box jump
10 overhead press
10 calories on the rower
Time 15:45

Mike did a very nice job coaching us. Something I learned (and believe is true):

Most doctors don’t know how to / cannot do a proper squat. If they do know, they don’t trust that their patients will do them properly, so it's safer to tell people not to do them (esp. after injury / surgery). Legally, they cover their butt this way too. They are in the business to fix things that are broken not to teach you proper form. They do not practice preventative medicine and they're certainly not going to help you learn to do a squat properly. It's not their job.

Mike said CrossFit teaches you how to do the exercises correctly. When you do a squat correctly there’s very little pressure on the knees. When you have poor form there will be tremendous pressure on the knees. Going down to 90 degrees or a bit further is desired but only if you are using proper form.

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