Monday, November 9, 2009

Why so tired? Filthy Fifty!

Today's workout was a mind trip. I had a rough start, because the first thing we had to do was box jumps. For some reason I had a mental block and could not jump high enough to make it. I was feeling the pressure of getting started (I was holding up Ali) - so I did not do the prescribed height. Well I don't know if it was my mind, or my body, or both - but it took me over 63 minutes to do the workout (Ali did hers in 37 minutes). I don't know why I was feeling so sluggish, but I felt like I was moving in slow motion.
After the workout I went to the grocery store, and got my yogurt and creamer replacements (of the coconut variety). Looks like I might just turn into a coconut! Maybe cutting out the dairy will help me be less sluggish. I'm also experiencing pain in my arms and hands at night - but this could be a) mental, b) soreness from Friday??, c) some allergic whoknowswhat. Sigh.
Although I was not pleased with my state today, I did make sure to focus on maintaining good form with full range of motion throughout. So I am happy for that!

Filthy Fifty
For time:
50 Box jump (24" box - I think I did 18"?)
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings (26#)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press (W:35#)
50 Good Mornings (W:35#)
50 Wall ball shots (W:14#)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders (sub 250 single unders - AKA jump rope)

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