Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dairy Free - Another Day...

Look what has appeared back in my refrigerator (after being absent for only a few days!!)
I cut grains from my diet. I've been following Paleo / LC quite well in the past few months. So I thought I'd cut dairy too. Well, I think I needed a better plan before embarking on such a large elimination.

Here is the problem with eliminating dairy for me: Breakfast. For quite some time now I enjoy Greek yogurt with ground flax seed and a bit of fruit or imitation honey (xylitol sweetened). And in my coffee, a splash of cream. This makes for a perfect breakfast for my taste buds, and it keeps my carb intake in a very reasonable area. I am not *yet* a bacon and eggs breakfast fan.

My idea to eliminate dairy came on the heels of the discovery that there was such a thing as coconut yogurt and coconut creamer. Unfortunately, the kinds that are sold in stores at the moment have very little fat, and the yogurt isn't Greek style, so they are thin, wimpy and watery. Not to mention most varieties are packed with sugar. So I figured, I'll make my own coconut yogur! I researched and studied, and bought a yogurt machine. I cooked up my coconut milk, added my starter, some gelatin to thicken it up and stuck it in the machine. The end result of this first experiment was simply awful. Gritty thick white paste that was floating on the top of some gross looking liquid. I know one issue was that it 'cooked' too long. As for the gritty texture - who knows. But I'm not giving up!
In the meantime, I will continue to eat dairy, because without it I find I am craving like a little carb-fiend again. If something was working for me, I need to stick with it.
Baby steps!! Argh.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a bummer! My husband and I have been embarking on the Paleo diet, and also find breakfast challenging since we can't always stomach eggs and the like first thing in the morning. When those days hit, we make a smoothie (we have been dairy-free for years). I usually add some nut butter for fat, and you can add frozen fruit, greens, whatever works with your Paleo style. We also add egg white powder for protein. The frozen produce along with the nut butter and protein powder make a nice thick beverage that I eat with a spoon ... might help those yogurt cravings and you can sweeten to taste with your sweetener of choice, or not at all! I use a ripe banana for sweetness.
