Thursday, November 12, 2009

BOD POD = humble pie

I had a BOD POD test today at Bod Pod Atlanta. I'm still having trouble comprehending how a pressurized chamber of air can differentiate between fat, bones, muscle, water, etc... but hell, the thing looks space-agey so it must be good. Oh and the NFL uses this thing, so that's good for something right?

It was dry, compared to the dunk tank/hydrostatic testing, and as a result much quicker. Simple and painless is a good way to describe my overall experience, other than coming to terms with the results. I'm just going to zen myself out of worrying about the specific numbers for now, and give myself credit for:

  • Eliminating grains, which I believe allowed me to exercise again. No more hamstring pain (among other issues)!
  • Cutting out dairy. Today was the first day, but my chronic throat-clearing was almost non-existent all day
  • Actively working on my fitness. CrossFit 3x per week was my goal. Slow and steady, small goals.
  • Incorporating some balance into my life. It's not just work all the time
And now, the results:

I'm 40
body fat: 34.4%
fat free mass: 65.6%
fat mass: 58.981 lb
fat free mass: 112.381%
body mass: 171.62 lb
Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) kcal/day: 1423

So, I may set a goal based on these numbers. I have to ponder on that some more.

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